Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2024! I hope this year is a gamechanger for you in all the right ways, including the areas of health and wellness! Please consider massage and bodywork as a part of your 2024 fitness and overall health plan!

I have successfully completed another workshop since my last post. This workshop was all about understanding chronic pain, it’s causes, and techniques in unlocking it. It was very insightful and I hope to deepen my knowledge in this area further, as well as assisting my client’s needs and recovery in this rapidly growing area in modern day life. This training will not be listed as a standalone service on my service menu, but it will be incorporated when necessary during any service you may choose.

Yes, my name is misspelled. I suspect people enjoy misspelling my name since it seems to happen a lot.

No more training is currently scheduled, but I’m still on the lookout.

I have no intention of adjusting my service prices again in the near future. Many clients have chosen to take advantage of the cash payment discount that is currently offered. I intend to continue that discount option but remind you that it only applies to payments made in cash (like the name implies).

This next year should be an interesting one filled with craziness, chaos, and no small amount of insanity (especially given it is an election year). You know where to find me if you want a moment of peace and to regain balance. I’ll be around!