Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation Therapy is a gentle, but direct manipulation of the internal organs of the abdomen to bring relief and restore better function and range of motion to the internal muscle groups we often overlook and can create discomfort and potentially havoc under certain conditions. It's extremely common for surgery or injury to create additional adhesions that this modality would work towards correcting.

Your organs have a range of motion (they flow up and down with expanding of your lungs while breathing) and anchoring structures (membranes and ligaments) that connect them to other organs, bones, and the outer abdominal wall. These connective tissues are not very different from those of your skin and muscles, and can be under considerable tension, creating referral pain or interfering with optimal organ function. For example:

  • The stomach can actually create neck pain (think of how it can pull on the esophagus, which runs down your throat and anchored throughout your neck).

  • The small intestine is anchored to your lower back in the lumbar region by the mesentery, which can pull on your low back from the inside, creating LOW BACK PAIN.

  • The large intestine can create side pain at the base of the ribs and referral pains throughout the pelvis and to the interior of the knees.

  • The liver can restrict diaphragm range of motion. One of the liver's surrounding membranes actually penetrates every aspect of the liver and when stretched, it can restore/improve liver function.

Results can be immediate or may require several sessions depending on each individual case. But if you have internal adhesions from a history of injuries, surgeries, or internal trauma, then this modality may serve you very well.