What is Reiki?

Reiki is… powerful, spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, chemical, energetic, magnetic, vibrational, electric, healing, and occasionally lifechanging. It often affects problems that my other deeper, harder, stronger modalities cannot unravel.

Reiki is a hands-on healing technique where the Reiki Master sends healing energy into a recipient. Sound like a new age, “out there” snake oil pitch? Well… the doctors at the Mayo Clinic disagree and utilize Reiki Masters in their Oncology program. Who else? Physcists!! They have repeatedly observed the biomagnetic fields created and projected by Reiki practitioners that ignite a healing reorganization in the tissue. There are incredible vibrational frequency changes that take place first in the practitioner, as he first matches the vibrational frequency of the Earth, and then in the recipient and the practitioner elevates the vibrational frequency of the recipient. And by frequency and vibration, we are talking about the frequency of which the atoms and molecules of the bodies of both practictioner and recipent oscillate (or spin). And it this is an OBSERVABLE, MEASURABLE, and REPEATABLE experiment that has been done often.

Because of the nature of bodywork in general, Reiki taps into the overlapping connection of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pathways, the interrelated problems and symptoms, and enabling the recipient to begin to unravel those problems. And these fields, frequencies, and vibrations that I keep bringing up… well… they also are the perfect ranges that ignite healing within the tissue (again, OBSERVABLE by cellular biologist at increase rates).

The Science behind reiki abrevated:

  • Physicists study of how Reiki Practitioners generate powerful biomagnetic fields from their hands and bodies during sessions. They are also interested in the measurable frequency changes of molecular vibration created in both the practitioner and recipient.

  • Cellular Biologist have studied how these biomagnetic fields and vibrational frequency shifts IGNITE powerful tissue regeneration and reorganization. This has been observed in nerves, bone, tendon, ligament, and capillary regeneration.

  • The Mayo Clinic is actively using Reiki practitioners in their cancer treatment approach.

  • Krinsley D. Bengston, an oncologist research scientist, has a publish study where Reiki application has led to an 87.9% survival rate of an experimental group of rats injected with a cancer strain (contrasted with 100% fatality of a control group). This experiment was repeated four more times with nearly identical results. Furthermore, the Reiki experimental group rats proved to be immuned to that same cancer strain when reinjected with it. Look the study up and read it for yourself!!!

  • There are many other studies and scientific observations from a variety of background if you are curious. Study them for yourself!