CranioSacral therapy

CranioSacral therapy is a very gentle, soothing therapy modality deceptively light manipulation that are subtle and noninvasive to bring about therapeutic releases on a much larger scale. If I have already lost you, think about how you can have a strip of cheap toilet paper on a table. If you place an object on top of that toilet paper and pull hard and fast… you rip the paper. BUT, if you use a very slow, gentle pull, you can tap into the strength of the fibers even within toilet paper and drag objects across the table that could weigh several ounces each. That’s CranioSacral’s effective method of getting passed all the super dense protective structures to get to what may be bogging down your central nervous system and by extension, the rest of your body! CranioSacral Therapy focuses on:

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  1. Evaluating, and correcting, the subtle range of motion of the cranial bones as they expand and contract with the creation and removal of cerebral spinal fluid, or CSF, and if there are any restrictions or interruptions that can create compression the brain or symptoms of dysfunction in or around the cranium.

  2. Evaluating, and correcting, the health of the connective tissue that creates the “Blood/Brain Barrier” on the inside of the cranium and spinal column, the duramata. This connective tissue is just as subject to ALL the movements, twisting, injuries, and torsions that occur to the muscle and tissue on the outside of the spine. It can also develop adhesions, restrictions, swelling, and scarring that will incumber the nervous system or interrupt nerve function.

  3. And evaluating the flow of cerebral spinal fluid and correcting adhesions, as it moves up and down the spine and central nervous system, which both nourishes the nervous tissue with vital nutrients (no blood access) while also removing waste that the nerve cells generate.

Just as your rib cage expands when you inhale, and retracts when you exhale, the cranium and spinal column are doing a very similar thing… or should be!!!  There are four CSF producing ventricles within the brain that express fluid out at the same time, creating higher pressure for a few seconds. Each cranial bone is sutured together (NOT FUSED) to allow for some expansion with this pressure. Each cranial bone has it’s small range of motion and path of movement with this fluidic respiration. Any interruption in this system can generate all sorts of havoc in the body. And CranioSacral Therapy aims to identify those interruptions and alleviate them for optimal nervous system function.

Prolonged stress, physical trauma and injury, surgery, illness, poor nutrition, or toxic buildup can create issues like the ones above. And CranioSacral listens to your body and gentle accesses the problem, working with body to unravel it.

SomatoEmotional Release

For generations, massage and bodyworkers have dealt with the phenomenon of seemingly random, unpredictable emotional releases that are triggered during bodywork sessions. By now, most people are familiar with posttraumatic stress disorder and how the unconscious mind will hold onto unresolved physical and emotional trauma, converting it into physical, behavioral, hormonal, or chemical coping mechanisms as the affected individual tries to carry the trauma through everyday life. While we better understand how war, physical or sexual assault, and brutal physical trauma can create acute PTSD, we disregard how we adopt emotional trauma all throughout our lives in a variety of incidents and interactions that stick with us and change how we navigate life. SomatoEmotional Release is a gentle therapy that seeks out areas where that trauma is held within the body, and attempting to resolve it in a form of client led discovery and interaction.

SomatoEmotional Release builds on CranioSacral therapy. As someone endures emotional or physical trauma throughout life, the body endures and follows emotional stress patterns physically, hormonally, and chemically. If unresolved, the body will manifest physical adhesions, organ and tissue disfunction, and chronic pain patterns along those emotional pathways.